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Picture of Old Minster Library Building

Cathedral Libraries and Archives in the British Isles 

The 13th York Manuscripts Conference, 2-4 July 2014

Organised by Brian Cummings, Linne Mooney, Bill Sherman and Hanna Vorholt.

Hosted by the Centre for Medieval Studies and the Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies at the University of York, in association with the Cathedral Libraries and Archives Network.

Venues: The York Minster Library and the King’s Manor, York, UK

This international conference brings together scholars from a range of Humanities disciplines to consider the under-studied subject of Cathedral Libraries and Archives of the British Isles in the medieval and early modern periods. Papers will range over topics of the formation and housing of cathedral library collections, books and archival materials produced by members of the cathedrals, acquisitions and donations, as well as the dispersal at the reformation. The event will also mark the 600th anniversary of the re-founding of York Minster Library and include a visit to the original library space, built in the wake of the bequest by John Newton in 1414.

Keynote lectures will be given by Nigel Morgan (Cambridge), Christopher Norton (York), Rodney Thomson (Tasmania), and Magnus Williamson (Newcastle).

YMC 2014 Programme (PDF , 363kb)

YMC 2014 Poster (PDF , 348kb)

Online Registration - Deadline Friday June 15th!

YMC Registration Form (PDF , 238kb)

Accommodation Information

Registration for this 3-day conference is £50.  There are no discounted rates available.  Some bursaries are available for postgraduate students to cover registration fees. If you are interested in applying for one of the bursaries, and for further information about the conference, please write to

PLEASE NOTE:  unfortunately, there is no disabled access on the first day of the conference, which takes place in the York Minster Library.

The conference is generously supported by the Department for English and Related Literature in the University of York, the Department of History of Art in the University of York, and the Society for Renaissance Studies.

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