Accessibility statement

Maxim Nazarov


I started my research in Moscow at the seminar of I.M.Gelfand on Representation Theory. In 1991 I obtained PhD in Mathematics from the Moscow State University, supervised by A.A.Kirillov and G.I.Olshanski. In 1990 I was appointed as Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the Moscow State University. Between 1992-1993 I spent time at the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Kyoto as JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow. In 1993 I obtained from the University of Wales a Research Fellowship to work in Swansea for two years. In 1995 I was awarded an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship. In 1996 I moved to the University of York, where in 2000 I became a Lecturer.

I gave a Morning Talk at the British Mathematical Colloquium in 2000, and an Invited Talk at the International Congress of Mathematicians in 2002. In 2003 I was awarded a Whitehead Prize by the London Mathematical Society. In 2003 I was appointed as Reader in Mathematics at the University of York. In 2006 I was promoted to Professor.

Departmental roles

Member of the Health, Safety and Welfare Committee

Member of the Exceptional Circumstances in Assessment Committee

University roles

Member of the University Senate (August 2015-July 2018)

Member of the Faculty Promotions Advisory Panel (2017, 2018, 2019)

Member of the University Special Cases Committee (October 2019-January 2024)

Contact details

Professor Maxim Nazarov

Tel: +44 1904 32 3078