Accessibility statement

Kasia Rejzner


I did my undergraduate degree in physics, at the Jagiellonian University of Cracow (Poland). Despite the strong inclination towards mathematics, I was initially also interested in experimental high energy physics and did an internship at CERN in 2008 and in Paris 6, a year after. In June 2009 I finished my undergraduate education and started a Ph.D. in Hamburg (Germany), in mathematical physics. I graduated two years after, in October 2011, and started a one year post-doc position at the Mathematics Department in Hamburg. The next step was an INdAM (Marie Curie actions) Fellowship in Rome Tor Vergata.  In 2013 I joined the Department of Mathematics at the University of York, where I'm currently a professor.  I network with other members of the mathematical physics group at York and I still keep a close contact with my European collaborators, based mostly in Germany, Italy and France.  I am also a Visiting Fellow at the Perimeter Institute in Canada.  



Departmental roles

  • Chair of Board of Studies

Contact details

Professor Kasia Rejzner

Tel: +44 1904 32 4153