- BA (1968), PhD(1972) University of Cambridge
- 1972-1974 AJ Wheeler Fellow, Durham University
- 1974-76 CERN Fellow
- 1976 Lecturer, 1992-1999 Professor (Head of Department 1996-98), Durham University, Department of Mathematical Sciences
- 1999-2008 Professor of Mathematics, University of York
- 2008-2011 Principal, Collingwood College, Durham University
- 2011-now Professor of Mathematics, University of York
FRS 1995, FInstP 1999, FIMA 2013
1992-2006 I was the coordinator of three European Networks and one INTAS Network.
Departmental roles
- I was Head of Department of Mathematics at York during the years 1999-2004, 2005-2007, 2011-2015.
- Currently Third and Fourth Year Tutor since 2021
My mathematical interests have varied over the years, ranging from string theory (in its early days) to integrable quantum field theory (especially Toda field theory), via gauge theories (monopoles and instantons). My current research concerns various aspects of Mathematical Physics, especially classical and quantum field theory and two-dimensional integrable quantum field theories with boundaries and defects.
A list of my publications and other articles can be found in the INSPIRE database
Research group(s)
Mathematical Physics and Quantum Information Research Group
Available PhD research projects
I am ready to supervise students interested in any aspect of classical and quantum integrable systems.