My academic journey started from studying Mechanical Engineering in my
hometown university, Razi University in Kermanshah, Iran. AFter that, as a Msc student, I studied
Mechanical Engineering specialising in Dynamics, Control and Vibration in Iran University of Science
and Technology. During this period, I contributed to a double-degree programme jointly offered by
Iran University of Science and Technology and École nationale supérieure d'arts et métiers (ENSAM) in
France. At ENSAM I worked on a project that was dedicated to experimental and numerical
investigations of nonlinear vibration in symmetric structures. I pursued my postgraduate studies as
aPhD student at Keele University in the UK. My project was part of the Pollution Know-how and
Abatement (POLKA) project funded by Horizon 2020. POLKA’s main focus is addressing critical
technical challenges in hydrogen combustion, particularly thermoacoustic instabilities and flashback.
During my PhD, I developed an analytical tool based on a Green’s function approach to effectively
predict the dynamical behaviour of thermoacoustic systems.