I arrived in York c 1996, to study for a DPhil in Metric Number Theory under the supervision of Prof. Maurice Dodson. After a number of post-Docs researching topics in number theory and applications of non-linear dynamics to the analysis of industrial data, I secured a lectureship at York in 2001.
Departmental roles
My primary areas of interest are in the field of metric number theory and Diophantine approximation and their links with fractal geometry. Whilst these topics are rooted firmly in the realm of "pure" mathematics, I am interested in any applications of these number theoretic concepts. A recent development is the application of Diophantine approximation to the transmission of signals in Multi-Input, Multi-Output wireless networks and the group I am a member of maintains an active role in progressing these links.
Research group(s)
Number Theory Research Group
Available PhD research projects
I am happy to supervise PhD projects in metric number theory, Diophantine approximation and their application, especially problems which link with communication theory. For a range of topics previously or currently offered by the Number Theory group, please see our research pages.
Current Research Students
Ben Ward