We offer a range of interactive sessions and talks, from school visits and subject taster days to science trails, regional events and public lectures.

Our activities and events are tailored with different age groups in mind and we can arrange bespoke sessions too - just ask.

We believe that maths is for everyone; we want to share our enthusiasm for the subject and open up opportunities for all.

Our A level students took part in a session about mathematical proof. This is something they have struggled with in lessons, so it was brilliant to have a real mathematician to detail, first hand, how integral it is to the subject. The students loved the afternoon and felt more confident and inspired to work on their proof questions, ready for their exams.

Maths teacher, Fulford School, York

Activities for Key Stage 2 to 3

Activities for Key Stage 3 to 5

Year 10/11 Science Work Experience

Explore the world of science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) with an in-person work experience programme.

Activities for Key Stage 5

The mental challenges were very engaging and it was fun to work in groups on difficult problems.

York Experience Summer School participant


Since 2016 we've helped to organise Royal Institution Mathematics Masterclasses for students in North Yorkshire.

These highly interactive sessions - coordinated by some of our PhD students - introduce students to aspects or applications of maths which may not usually be covered in the school curriculum. The sessions are designed to open young people’s eyes to the excitement, beauty and real-world value of mathematics.

Public outreach

We frequently take part in events aimed at enthusing families and the general public about maths, such as York Festival of Ideas and Pint of Science.

We're always very happy to receive requests to run sessions for local interest groups such as Scouts and Guides. To enquire about organising a session, email us at maths-outreach@york.ac.uk