Data Science
Investigating the key challenges for both technology and society around data and how it is used.
Approved projects
First funding round
- A significant investment to support responsible data science, designing new approaches to handling personal data that could restore public trust and confidence in how major corporations handle their personal information. This project aims to build principles of responsible data science by design into the actual software development practices rather than simply producing ethical or regulatory frameworks which developers may or may not follow. - Professor Dimitris Kolovos, Dr Nicholas Matragkas, Professor Delaram Kahrobaei (York), Professor Michel Dumontier, Dr Visara Urovi, Professor David Townend, Dr Jerry Spanakis and Professor Mathieu Segers (Maastricht)
- A project investigating how to improve public trust in health data institutions, exploring approaches to the dilemma between the social utility gained by exploiting personal health information and individual privacy concerns. - Professor Stephen Holland (York) and Dr Peter Schröder-Bäck (Maastricht)