European Doctoral Summer School
The York-Maastricht Partnership supports the European Doctoral Summer School, which is a collaboration between the University of York, University of Münster and Maastricht University.
The European Doctoral Summer School, a collaboration between the Universities of York, Münster, and Maastricht and supported by YMP ran each year from 2018-2023. The Summer School provided personal and professional development and skills training, in a cross-cultural and multi-institutional series of workshops for doctoral candidates.
Summer Schools, 2018-23
European Doctoral Summer School 2023
This Summer School focused on 'Sustainability in research, careers and leadership', and explored how to conduct research sustainably, and how to develop a sustainable and lasting research portfolio and career.
European Doctoral Summer School 2022
The theme was "Curriculum for Life? Unpacking the story of your (research) life." and they explored what it means to be an authentic researcher, strategies for developing resilience, how our values shape our work and ambitions, and what the ‘curriculum’ of our life might look like in five years’ time.
European Doctoral Summer School 2021
The 2021 summer school was also held virtually, its theme was "Growth: personal, professional and in practice". Working with colleagues from different institutions, culture and values, the sessions enabled the participants to consider how to maximise their strengths, skills, career prospects and self confidence in the context of change.
With a focus on the positive lessons learnt from the pandemic and the realisation there is a greater need for researchers to communicate, collaborate, be creative and have the confidence and self belief to proceed when plans and circumstances change.
European Doctoral Summer School 2020
Due to the pandemic, the 2020 summer school was held virtually, which enabled more doctoral candidates to participate than an in-person event.
It had a programme designed to support the participants during the time of paradigmatic and social change and provided an opportunity for candidates to develop and enhance their presentation and communication skills.
It also considered the participants' skill set and how it appeals to employers and funders in this changing environment and supported their future career transitions by developing a CV.
European Doctoral Summer School 2019
This second summer school was held in York and had a focus on developing skills of networking, communication and profile development to help students present the best possible version of oneself to funders, employers and industry.
There were fifteen participating doctoral candidates this year, who also took part in a 3MT style competition on the last day, each giving brilliant pitches on their research with York’s Giulia Marchetti winning the Panel’s Choice Award with her persuasive yet humour-filled speech about 'how microalgae can save us from the end of the world.'
European Doctoral Summer School 2018
This was the first European Doctoral Summer School, which took place in Münster, Germany in June 2018. There were fourteen doctoral candidates, and the Summer School provided them with a strong educational and cultural programme which gave the students the opportunity to take part in workshops and to network.
Due to the success of the first summer school, the decision was made to make them an annual event.