Go on a self-guided library tour
We have a new self-guided tour of the library this year - you can get a short introduction to various services and areas of the library by scanning QR codes around our main building on Campus West.
Look for the green posters
There are 10 main points on the tour, as shown on the map above. Eight of these are on Floor 0 of the Morrell, and there's one each in the Burton and Fairhurst.
Look out for the green posters at each tour point - scan the code to go to the relevant webpage for more info. There's text you can read, or a video to watch if you'd prefer. In either case, it will only take a minute or so to learn what you need to know! If for any reason you'd like to see the pages now rather than scan the codes, you'll find the first tour page here - just follow the link at the bottom to get to the others.
We've also put some more green posters around the library's other floors with other QR codes for you to scan and get more information about the areas in which they're located. These aren't part of the 'official' tour, but do scan them if you see them and you'll find the relevant pages on our website.

Prefer a virtual tour?
If you can't visit us right away but still want to get a feel for what the library looks like and how it all works, there's nowhere better to start than our video tour!