We are committed to ensuring that all students and staff can make the best possible use of our services and collections, making special provision where needed.

If you require the information on this page in a different format, or want to find out more about how we can help with your specific needs, please get in touch:

This video provides an overview of our adjusted services.

Area covered include access to the buildings. loan periods, help desks book retrieval, printing and other available equipment.

Building access

University Library

  • The University Library is made up of the JB Morrell Library, Raymond Burton Library, Harry Fairhurst Building and Borthwick Institute for Archives.
  • They share a common entrance which can be reached using external lifts at the Library bridge (next to the Security Centre) and from the Campus North car park.
  • We also have an accessible gate next to the turnstiles for those with mobility aids.
  • There is an accessible entrance at the rear of the building - contact the Library and IT Help Desk about adding this entrance to your University card.
  • Inside all floors are served by lifts and there are always members of staff around to help find whatever you need.

King's Manor Library

  • The King's Manor Library in the centre of York is an historic listed building and is not readily accessible to people with mobility impairments, but staff will be on hand to help and can collect material for you.
  • There is an accessible desk which can be accessed via the ground floor entrance.
  • Resources can be sent to the Heslington West campus.

York Minster Library

  • York Minster Library is in Dean's Park on the north side of York Minster. It is in a historic listed building, so is not readily accessible to people with mobility impairments.
  • The Reading Room can be accessed by an internal lift; please check in advance for availability and suitability.
  • Library staff will be available to help and can retrieve material for you.
  • Loanable items can also be sent to the University Library for collection.

Emergency procedures

Please make sure that you are familiar with the emergency procedures and exits in the library you are visiting.

There are wheelchair refuges with intercom systems on each floor of the JB Morrell Library, Raymond Burton Library, Harry Fairhurst Building and Borthwick Institute for Archives.