Laptop Loans
The Library has laptops available to loan for 4 hours which are set up for wifi and printing and provide access to your personal filestore and Microsoft Office.
Both students and staff can borrow a laptop from self-service cabinets located at:
- the Morrell Lounge in the University Library
- the ground floor of the Harry Fairhurst Building in the University Library
- the Library@Piazza on the 2nd floor of the Piazza Building
- the Help Desk area in the King's Manor Library
Laptops available
University Library
King's Manor Library
4-hour laptops
We have more than 70 short-loan laptops for students to borrow from our libraries. These can be borrowed for up to four hours and are provided on a first come, first served basis.
30 4-hour laptops are available for loan in the University Library. They are located in the left-hand cabinets against the far wall of the Morrell Lounge opposite the Help Desk.
- At the cabinet, hold your University card against the black card reader until you hear a beep.
- Check details on the screen, then open the locker illuminated with a green light by pressing the black button. If you don't press the button, it will time out and re-lock.
- Unplug the laptop from the power cable inside the locker.
- Close the locker door firmly.
- The time the laptop is due for return will be shown on the screen. You will also receive an email confirmation and you can check your Library Account.
- After the laptop is issued, log on with your University username and password.
Please do not leave the laptop unattended. If you need to leave the Library, take the laptop with you or return the laptop to the cabinet.
When you borrow a laptop, it should have enough battery charge to last for four hours. If you need a charger for your loan laptop, please speak to a member of staff at the Help Desk.
Laptops should be returned at the cabinets.
- Hold your University card against the black card reader until you hear a beep.
- The correct locker door will open automatically.
- Place the laptop in the locker and plug in the power cable that is already in the locker.
- Close the locker door firmly.
20 laptops are at the King's Manor Library. They can be borrowed and returned at the cabinet next to the Library Help Desk.
When you borrow a laptop, it should have enough battery charge to last for four hours. If you need a charger for your loan laptop, please speak to a member of staff at the Help Desk.
Please do not leave the laptop unattended. If you need to leave the Library, take the laptop with you or return the laptop.
24 laptops are available for loan in the learning space on the 2nd floor of the Piazza Building.
- At the cabinet, press the Issue laptop button on the touchscreen.
- A new screen will then appear instructing you to hold your University card against the black card reader mounted below the touchscreen, until you hear a beep.
- Check the details on the screen and agree the terms and conditions.
- You will be shown which laptop has been allocated to you and the locker will be illuminated with a flashing white light. There are two cabinets either side of the main control tower, AA (01 to 12) and AB (13 to 24).
- Open the allocated locker door and unplug the laptop from the power cable inside the locker.
- Close the locker door firmly and press the Finish button on the touchscreen.
- The time the laptop is due for return will be shown on the screen. You will also receive an email confirmation and you can check the details on your Library Account.
- Log on to the laptop with your University username and password.
Please do not leave the laptop unattended. If you need to leave the Library@Piazza, take the laptop with you or return the laptop to the cabinet.
When you borrow a laptop, it should have enough battery charge to last for four hours. We don't loan chargers at Library@Piazza so if the battery starts to run low, please save your work, return the laptop (see process below) and borrow a fresh laptop.
Laptops should be returned at the cabinets.
- Press the Return laptop button on the touchscreen.
- Hold your University card against the black card reader until you hear a beep.
- You'll be reminded of the correct locker door location. Open the locker door.
- Place the laptop in the locker and plug in the power cable. Please make sure that you plug the power cable into the laptop before closing the door. If you don't, the laptop will remain on loan to you, and you may be charged.
- Once you have plugged the power cable into the laptop, close the locker door firmly and press the Finish button on the touchscreen.
If you have a problem returning a laptop to the loan cabinet at Library@Piazza, please take the laptop over to the reception point at the Ron Cooke Hub.
- The laptops can be loaned for up to four hours.
- The laptops can be taken from the University Library (Fairhurst, Morrell and Burton), the King's Manor Library, or the Library@Piazza.
- The laptops can be used anywhere on campus.
- The laptops will not work off campus.
- If you lose the laptop you may be charged the cost of a replacement (currently £702)
- If you damage the laptop you may be charged for the cost of repairs or replacement (max £702)
- If you borrow a power supply and lose it, you may be charged for a replacement (currently £35)
- Any issues with the laptop or the loan cabinet should be directed to the Library Help Desk, or the Reception at Ron Cooke Hub.
If you need a device for longer
To ensure everyone has equal access, the 4-hour laptop loans are non-renewable and we are unable to extend the duration of loans. When you return the laptop, if there is another one available, the cabinet will allow you to borrow another device for a further 4 hours.
However, we understand that there may be cases where you need access to a computer for longer periods of time. There are many computer labs and spaces across the University, including in the Library that may be suitable for your study. If you specifically need a laptop, please talk to us at the Library Helpdesk, and we will be happy to discuss options with you in line with your needs.