The Library has laptops available to loan for 4 hours which are set up for wifi and printing and provide access to your personal filestore and Microsoft Office. 

Both students and staff can borrow a laptop from self-service cabinets located at:

  • the Morrell Lounge in the University Library
  • the ground floor of the Harry Fairhurst Building in the University Library
  • the Library@Piazza on the 2nd floor of the Piazza Building
  • the Help Desk area in the King's Manor Library

Laptops available

University Library

King's Manor Library


4-hour laptops

We have more than 70 short-loan laptops for students to borrow from our libraries. These can be borrowed for up to four hours and are provided on a first come, first served basis.

If you need a device for longer

To ensure everyone has equal access, the 4-hour laptop loans are non-renewable and we are unable to extend the duration of loans. When you return the laptop, if there is another one available, the cabinet will allow you to borrow another device for a further 4 hours.

However, we understand that there may be cases where you need access to a computer for longer periods of time. There are many computer labs and spaces across the University, including in the Library that may be suitable for your study. If you specifically need a laptop, please talk to us at the Library Helpdesk, and we will be happy to discuss options with you in line with your needs.