Joseph Rowntree Foundation collection

The collection comprises of social research reports written by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

About the collection

Joseph Rowntree was a Quaker businessman who was interested in people’s lives within society, especially in terms of poverty and housing. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) was set up by him to look at and investigate different aspects of society, including poverty and housing.

The reports represent the output of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation's social research funding which has been a key part of its work since the 1960s.

Themes include:

  • Children and education
  • Poverty and low incomes
  • Children, adults and the elderly
  • Health
  • Disabilities
  • Housing
  • Local communities


The collection, along with related archival material, was given to the University of York on long term loan in August 2019. Before that date, the JRF social research reports were held at the JRF headquarters at The Homestead, York. The Homestead used to be the home of Seebohm Rowntree, the Chairman of Rowntree & Co. who carried out pioneering social research in the field of poverty. He was also a founding trustee of the JRF.

Related collections

  • The Borthwick Institute for Archives holds archival material relating to the Rowntree company, family, Trusts, and theatre, as well as records relating to the family’s social research.
  • Further information on other collections on Quakerism can be found on our Collections webpage.

Further information