Find and use resources
We aim to help you study, enable your research and broaden your knowledge.
Our collections cover printed, electronic and audiovisual material, digitised collections, rare books and archival resources, all available for you to explore both in-person and online. Our shelves are open to all.
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Just wanted to say thankyou to the library team for such a speedy job getting access to an eBook that will be super helpful for my final year report. Awesome work, legends!!"
Undergraduate student
Where to start in the library
YorSearch is our library catalogue. It tells you what we have, where it is and the available formats. You'll find catalogue PCs around the library buildings, but you can use YorSearch from anywhere you have the internet. Type in some keywords above to get started.
Each of the links below will tell you some essential information about how to get started borrowing our print resources; scroll down for more about using materials online.

Borrow up to 75 items at once. Here's everything else you need to know about what you can borrow, how long you can have them and how to return them.

Delivery, post & scan
The easiest way to get our books is to find them on our shelves, and take them out using our self-issue machines. You can also get chapters scanned and you may be able to get books posted to you.

Tell us what you need
If you find a book or article we don't already have which you need for learning, teaching or research, we may be able to get it for you.
Where to start online
There are lots of ways in to our online resources, and when you're new to the library the choice can feel overwhelming. Don't worry if you feel like this; everyone does, and we're here to help. This is a very brief guide to the different ways to access what you need.
Keep in mind that when you find resources via the links below, they will allow you to log in as a member of the University, and give you the full access you're entitled to from the library; if you go directly to a resource in your browser or via Google, you may be asked to pay for content when you don't need to.
One way to mitigate this is to download LibKey Nomad, a browser extension which will alert you to both Open Access articles and content we subscribe to. Find out more about LibKeyNomad here.
Our featured collections
Our collections cover printed, electronic and audiovisual material, digitised collections, rare books and archival resources which support teaching, learning and research in many subjects. Among our strengths you can find a collection of books and images on stained glass, in which the University is a centre of excellence. You can also explore our Yorkshire library and archival collections, which contain material relating to social, economic and cultural life of Yorkshire, particularly from the 18th- and 20th-centuries. In our digital collections you can find exam papers, dissertations and digitised rare book material.

Music and film
On Floor 0 of the Fairhurst you'll find our Audiovisual Collection with Blu-Rays and DVDs (pictured), plus dual monitor PCs so you can watch and write at the same time. Also on Floor 0 is the John Paynter Music Library, featuring an extensive collection of scores and books about music, and even a keyboard (with headphones) for you to play if you wish.
A huge amount of our music and film is available online via streaming services. Box of Broadcasts is an incredible site which records free-to-air television and radio, and has an archive of over 2 million programmes.
Borrow more than books

Laptop loans
You can borrow laptops from the Morrell, the Fairhurst, King's Manor and Library@Piazza. They're already set up for wifi and printing, and provide access to your personal file store.
Get more information about laptop loans
Borrow some headphones
We have headphones you can borrow for using the Zoom Room and the AV Suite in the Fairhurst, or anything else you need them for. Just ask at the Help Desk.
Borrow a second screen
We have 10 second screen devices for Postgraduates that are loanable for use in Library only. They don't require charging and will plug into any laptop with a USB C input (like our loan laptops!). Just ask at the Help Desk during service hours.