Research Data York is a data repository for research undertaken at the University of York. The service aims to facilitate data discovery and data sharing.

Research Data York is a good option for archiving and sharing your datasets openly, unless there is a discipline-specific repository which is commonly used in your field or your funder requires otherwise.

Using Research Data York

Before data deposit

Check the terms of service to ensure you can meet your responsibilities and that you understand how the data will be handled and curated. By default, research data deposited with Research Data York is made openly available to all under a CC BY licence.

At data deposit

Record information (metadata) about your dataset in PURE and upload your data files.

  • Log in to PURE
  • Click the + Add content button and click Dataset in the left-hand menu to open a new dataset record template.
  • Complete all relevant metadata fields in the template following the guidance in the PURE User Guide for recording and depositing research datasets in PURE (York wiki)
  • Upload all relevant data files and set the required visibility, licence and access options.
  • Set the status of the record to Entry completed by User and save the record.

Postgraduate researchers do not have PURE accounts and should therefore ask their supervisor or a York co-author to add a dataset record on their behalf.

After data deposit

Library staff will review the metadata you have provided, to ensure that secondary users will be able to understand the dataset. If it complies with minimum metadata requirements, a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) will be minted and the record validated.

After validation

The dataset record and data is discoverable through the York Research Database, subject to any applied embargo or access restrictions. 

Research Data York cannot accommodate all research data

Discussion of your plans before deposit

If you plan to deposit data that is anonymised, sensitive or large - and/or you have identified reasons to restrict access to the data - you must discuss your plans with the Open Research team early in the research process, and at least 60 working days before any deadline.