The University Library has cooperative arrangements with other libraries, allowing our students and staff to visit and use the collections elsewhere.

Our arrangements with other libraries include:

  • local libraries
  • hospital libraries
  • university libraries (SCONUL Access)
  • national libraries

Visiting other university libraries (SCONUL Access)

The Society of College, National and University Libraries (SCONUL) represents all university libraries in the UK and Ireland.

The SCONUL Access scheme allows University of York Library users to borrow or use books and journals at other libraries belonging to the scheme.

John Rylands Library, University of Manchester

Applying for SCONUL Access

Please apply from your institutional email account. You must have no outstanding charges or overdue items with the University Library.

We will confirm your application via email within 24 hours. Your access will be valid for up to three years, or for your period of registration or the length of the course or placement, if earlier.

You can renew if your course or placement continues by submitting a new online application.

Apply online for SCONUL Access

Important information for visiting SCONUL institutions

British Library Boston Spa reading room

Visiting the British Library

The British Library at Boston Spa has a Reading Room which is open to the public. It allows direct access to a vast collection of British Library items in print and electronic formats. We provide a free weekly minibus service to the Reading Room for University of York staff and students.

Find out more

Visiting libraries in York

There are several other libraries in York that you can access:

Visiting libraries nearby

There are several libraries across Yorkshire that you may want to access: