Our approach to research

The Lab’s mission is to build evidence-based understanding of how law and process shape the performance of frontline public services, and explore new avenues for achieving improvements in how services are delivered.

In pursuing this mission, we seek to take a distinctive approach to research. Specifically, we develop research programmes of research that:

  • are concerned with the routine and ‘at scale’ operation law and process in public services, and particularly with complex and pressing problems in this domain;
  • advance fundamental theory, insofar as they hold the potential to significantly reshape our understanding of relevant fields;
  • seek to enhance understanding through evidence, underpinned by rigorous research methods and multidisciplinary collaboration;
  • have the clear potential for application in a socially important way; and
  • explore issues that are underexplored relative to their potential to reshape fundamental understanding and policy/practice.

Wherever possible, we also seek to engage with affected communities and influential policymakers in formulating and undertaking our research.