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Administrative Fairness Lab

The Lab’s mission is to build evidence-based understanding of how law and process shape the performance of frontline public services, and explore new avenues for achieving improvements in how services are delivered.

We are at a pivotal moment for the future of frontline services. They are, and will continue to be, under immense pressure. At the same time, we are on the cusp of technological advances that will radically change what is possible in how frontline systems are designed. The Lab strives to conduct research that transforms our understanding of services and maximises their performance for the public good.

Professor Joe Tomlinson, Director, Administrative Fairness Lab

About us

We have a core team of researchers working across projects, as well as an extensive network of collaborators nationally and globally.

Our research programmes

The Lab focuses on particular areas that are in line with our research philosophy.

Find out more about our approach to research

The Lab builds on a long tradition at the University of York of taking public administration seriously as a key part of building a fairer society. Administrative fairness is central to so many of the major challenges faced by society today, and the work of Lab-and the impact it is achieving-is an important part of our strategy to be a University for public good.

Professor TT Arvind, Head of School, York Law School

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