Accessibility statement


We have state-of-the-art facilities for research and for training:

Psycholinguistics lab

Our new Psycholinguistics lab features two experimental booths equipped with eye-trackers and two additional workstations for behavioural experiments, with multiple Eprime licences, button boxes and high-speed keyboard for precise recording of response times, and external sound cards for accurate control of auditory stimulus presentation.

Black-out blinds isolate both booths allowing perfect control of lighting for pupillometry studies with the world’s most precise and accurate video-based eye trackers: an EyeLink 1000 and an EyeLink Portable Duo, a portable system which also allows for data collection outside the lab (e.g. schools, hospitals).

The lab also has a generous multi-purpose room, fully equipped for experimental design and coding, lab meetings and for welcoming and briefing participants.

Speech lab: Articulograph and ultrasound

Traditionally, phonetic research has been based on acoustic properties of speech recordings, from which we can estimate the position and movement of the articulators used in speech, such as the tongue and the lips. We use new technologies such as ultrasound tongue imaging and electromagnetic articulography to make it possible to track the movement of these organs in real time, providing fresh insight into the dynamic mechanisms of speech production.

Recording studio

We have a purpose built recording studio which conforms to DDA for accessibility, and which benefits from professional grade recording equipment to produce clear, quiet, recordings suitable for all academic purposes.

By arrangement, it is also possible to configure the booths for Psycholinguistic studies.

The studio is air-conditioned, with a low-velocity air changing system which keeps the rooms fresh whilst being almost silent in operation which makes longer sessions possible.