Department of Language and Linguistic Science
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Nino Grillo joined the Department in September 2016 and works in syntax and psycholinguistics.
Researcher at Leibniz Prize Research Group (2015-2016)
Researcher at Leibniz Prize Research Group (2014-2015)
Principal Investigator “Lexical and Syntactic Factors in Processing Complexity”
FCT Fellow (2013-2014)
Ciência08 Fellow (2009-2013)
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2008-2009)
Faculty Lecturer in Neuroscience of Language (2007-2008)
PhD in Linguistics (2008)
Phd in Cognitive Science (2008)
MA in Communication Science
Honorary Research Associate (2012-2016)
Visiting Postdoc (2009-2011)
I am primarily interested in the relation between the grammar and the parser. This means I often work in parallel on the syntax-semantics (and more recently prosody) of a phenomenon and on its processing. I have a secondary interest in sentence processing in language acquisition and impairment.
My main domains of research include locality restrictions on syntactic dependencies (in particular movement and attachment), the interaction of event structure and passivisation, argument/adjunct asymmetries and perceptual reports.
Invited talks
Department of Language and Linguistic Science
University of York,
YO10 5DD,
+44 (0)1904 322650
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