Accessibility statement

Nina Radkevich
Research Associate


Nina Radkevich is a morpho-syntactician who currently works on the LANGELIN project 'Meeting Darwin's last challenge: toward a global tree of human languages and genes' investigating the structure of nominals. Outside the LANGELIN project, she works on syntax and morphology of case and agreement in Nakh-Dagestanian, locality in morphology, null categories.


  • University of York
    Post-Doctoral Researcher
  • Harvard University
    Post-Doctoral Researcher
  • Harvard University
    College Fellow
  • University of Connecticut
    Ph.D. in Linguistics, 2010
    "On Location: the structure of case and adpositions"

Departmental roles

  • Post-Doc Representative

Contact details

Nina Radkevich
Research Associate
Department of Language and Linguistic Science
Vanbrugh College C Block
Room : V/C/119

Tel: (0)1904 322667