Géraldine Enjelvin joined the University of York in October 2014 as Associate Lecturer in French.
After graduating in English & Literature Studies (Université Lyon 2, France), Géraldine came to live in the UK in 1988. Both her MA (Nottingham University) and MPhil (Loughborough University) - and subsequent publications - focus on the Algerian War (1954-1962) and the Harkis.
She is a qualified teacher of both French and English as a foreign language. She has taught French (and a few Spanish classes) since 1989, primarily at the University of Northampton (Joint Honours Programme). She is a very experienced and versatile French language tutor who has taught a variety of courses and a wide ability range of students - from complete beginners to advanced level (C2).
Through her 25 years of experience, she has acquired a strong understanding of the learning process and needs of French learners.
Professional Body Membership
Title of thesis:Identity Card and Identities ‘à la carte’ in France- the Case of the Harkis’ Integration
Title of thesis:The Harkis
Title of thesis:Gilbert Pinfold: from Ordeal to Order
2018 - Un « outil Freinet » transversal venu du Japon : la tradition du kamishibaï a du bon, même en 2018 ! (https://theconversation.com/un-outil-freinet-transversal-venu-du-japon-la-tradition-du-kamishiba-a-du-bon-meme-en-2018-90287)
2016 - Atelier de révision GCSE : chantons et contons l’environnement- Uptown Funk et kamishibaïs -Francophonie- http://www.all-languages.org.uk/language-zones/atelier-de-revision-gcse-chantons-et-contons-lenvironnement-uptown-funk-et-kamishibais/
2009 - Teaching French to a non-sighted undergraduate: enhancing everyone’s learning, Enhancing the Learner Experience in Higher Education, 1(1), 56-69. http://journals.northampton.ac.uk/index.php/elehe/article/download/8/8
2009 - Teaching French to a non‐sighted undergraduate: adjusting practices to deliver inclusive education, Journal of Further and Higher Education, 33(3), 265-279. http://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ857575
2009- Teaching French to a Non-Sighted Undergraduate: a transition from VIP (Visually-Impaired Person) to… VIP (Very Independent Person), The University of Northampton - Learning and Teaching internal Conference
2008 - Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs) and contribution-oriented pedagogy: it's all about sharing!, The University of Northampton - Learning and Teaching internal Conference.
2007 - Eh bien, slamez maintenant !, Le français dans le monde, 352, 92-93.
2006 - Homosexualité, mariages homosexuels et homoparentalité en France - Ressources en ligne comme supports pédagogiques en classe de FLE, ALSIC - Apprentissage des langues et systèmes d'information et de communication, 9, 277-284. http://alsic.revues.org/308
2005 - Investigating VAT (value‐adding technologies) and e‐ffectiveness in a French department, Journal of Further and Higher Education, 29(2), 155-167. http://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ691288
2004 - Let's ask the students for a change. Investigating student learning approaches to, and perceived gains from VLE-novation, The University of Northampton Working Papers Series, 1(1).
2003 - Investigating VLE-ffectiveness in Languages, Computer Assisted Language Learning, 16(5), 469-490. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1076/call.16.5.469.29487#.U72uuZRdWvk
2003 - Chansons et Internet comme supports pédagogiques en classe de FLE pour l'étude du thème de la population (d'origine) immigrée en France, Francophonie, Revue académique pour les professeurs de FLE, 28, 17-20.
2002 - An 'e-novative' approach to language learning and teaching at the University of Northampton, Manchester Conference Centre, CILT/LLAS conference- Setting the agenda: Languages, Linguistics, and Area Studies in Higher Education
2002 - VLEs and ICT: the answer to your questions or mine? Paris- Université de Technologie de Compiègne, From tool to content or from content to tool in foreign language teaching and learning: which pedagogical rationale to adopt?; UNTELE (Usages des Nouvelles Technologies dans l'Enseignement des Langues Etrangères) international conference.
2002 - Le sida en France : état des lieux- Chanson et Internet comme supports pédagogiques en classe de FLE, ALSIC- Apprentissage des langues et systèmes d'information et de communication, 5(1), 99-102. http://alsic.revues.org/2046
2002 - Si tu t'imagines, de Juliette Gréco : une activité en ligne qui vous chante ?, Francophonie, Revue académique pour les professeurs de FLE, 19-21.
2001 - Activités en ligne sur 'Pénélope' de Brassens : ça vous chante ?, Le français dans le monde, 313, 29.
2001 - Françaises d'alors et d'aujourd'hui : des femmes libérées ? , ALSIC - Apprentissage des langues et systèmes d'information et de communication, 4(1), 85-90. http://alsic.revues.org/1896
2001 - Invitation à dé-lire les délires langagiers des publicités, Francophonie, Revue académique pour les professeurs de FLE, 24, 18-23.
2001 - Dé-lire des publicités en français, Le français dans le monde, 317, 49-50.
2000 - Activités en ligne sur 'Le France' de Michel Sardou : une activité en ligne qui vous chante ?, ALSIC - Apprentissage des langues et systèmes d'information et de communication, 3(2), 283-288. http://alsic.revues.org/1882
Contact details
Géraldine Enjelvin
Senior Lecturer in French
Department of Language and Linguistic Science
Room: V/C/019
Vanbrugh College C Block
University of York
YO10 5DDTel: 01904 323613