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Lost in the Middle: Changing native languages at the York Festival of Ideas 2024

Saturday 8 June 2024, 3.45PM to 4:45pm

Our native language or ‘mother tongue’ can change during our adult lives when we move to a different region or country long-term. Known as ‘native language attrition’ this can affect our identity and sense of ourselves.

Discover more at a special screening of Lost in the Middle, a short documentary by filmmaker Asten Holmes-Elliott which features a group of bilinguals/bidialectals discussing their ‘language journeys’ and how their relationship to their native language changed after migration. After the film, there will be a Q&A with Asten, E Jamieson and Monika Schmid: this is your opportunity to find out more and discuss your own experiences of language attrition and identity.

Book your free tickets

This event is part of York Festival of Ideas [] and is one of several outputs of the Vulnerable Native Grammars project, a collaboration between the University of Southampton and the University of York which ran between 2020-2023.

Location: LMB/036&037X (Law and Sociology Building, Campus East)