Saturday 8 June 2024, 3.45PM to 4:45pm
Our native language or ‘mother tongue’ can change during our adult lives when we move to a different region or country long-term. Known as ‘native language attrition’ this can affect our identity and sense of ourselves.
Discover more at a special screening of Lost in the Middle, a short documentary by filmmaker Asten Holmes-Elliott which features a group of bilinguals/bidialectals discussing their ‘language journeys’ and how their relationship to their native language changed after migration. After the film, there will be a Q&A with Asten, E Jamieson and Monika Schmid: this is your opportunity to find out more and discuss your own experiences of language attrition and identity.
This event is part of York Festival of Ideas [] and is one of several outputs of the Vulnerable Native Grammars project, a collaboration between the University of Southampton and the University of York which ran between 2020-2023.
Location: LMB/036&037X (Law and Sociology Building, Campus East)