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Kamishibai (紙芝居), sign language (手話 ), origami (折り紙) and … a very warm and heartfelt welcome from St Lawrence’s CE Primary School

Posted on 14 March 2025

Following the storytelling & origami session Ulrike Wray, Yumi Nixon and Géraldine Enjelvin successfully ran for York Cares in November 2024, the charity contacted them again.

Although almost 50% of the St Lawrence’s CE Primary School pupils are eligible for free school meals, one of the school’s key values is “Even when we face difficulties and problems, we never give up”. Its web page also explains: “We have made a commitment to all our children to provide as many different opportunities as we possibly can while they are with us.”

Hence, on 7 March 2025, 30 seven-to-nine year-old pupils from St Lawrence’s Primary School saw a “butai” (wooden stage) for the very first time.

  • Image: A butai

They listened to, and watched, a Kamishibai story about a paper boat.

  • Image: A Kamishibai story about a paper boat

The children also learnt how to say blue, green and red in French, German, Japanese, then in British and Makaton sign languages. They also practised saying a few numbers in Japanese: 1 (いち), which sounds like “itchy”, 2 (に), which sounds like “knee” and 3 (さん), which sounds like “sun”. They absolutely loved it!

Then, they followed Ulrike’s instructions attentively; they were so keen to make their own paper boats themselves!

  • Image: Yumi and Ulrike

All the pupils clearly enjoyed the 90 min. intercultural, interactive outreach session and they all loved their presents: 3 colourful origami figures Ulrike, Yumi and Géraldine had made for each of them (a boat, a fish and … a butterfly)

  • Image: Géraldine and 1 origami butterfly