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York student awarded Best Student Paper prize at international conference

Posted on 29 July 2015

Congratulations to Georgina Brown, who won the prize for best student paper at the 2015 IAFPA conference in Leiden!

For the second year in a row, York PhD student Georgina Brown was awarded the Best Student Paper prize at the annual conference of the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA), held in Leiden, the Netherlands. Her talk, "A data-focussed comparison of automatic accent recognition system architectures", summarised recent work she has carried out using variants of the Y-ACCDIST software she has developed during her time as a research student in the Department of Language and Linguistic Science. She shared last year's prize with her fellow York student Jessica Wormald for their talk on their collaborative work on automated accent classification based on Jessica's database of recordings of speakers of Panjabi-accented English from Bradford and Leicester. The IAFPA conference will be held in York in July 2016, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of its very first meeting, also in York, the city in which the Association was founded in 1991.

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