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Home>Language and Linguistic Science>Languages at York>York Language Electives (2024/25)

Learning a language broadens your knowledge, boosts your employability and helps you to make unique academic connections.

Students generally choose their language electives in February/March. Language modules are open to students from across academic departments to study as part of their degree. There are three main types of language modules available as electives:

Contact us

Languages at York
Department of Language and Linguistic Science University of York, York, YO10 5DD, UK
+44 1904 322493

Language and cultures electives are open to students from across academic departments at Beginner, Elementary, Lower-Intermediate and Intermediate levels for Arabic, Chinese, Classical Latin, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Medieval Latin, Russian and Spanish. From 2024/2025, language electives at Beginner, Elementary, Lower Intermediate and Intermediate levels are available with different codes to match your academic stage (year 1, year 2, final year). 

What does this mean?

  • You will be able to take two language electives in the same academic year (one per semester) if your programme specifications allow you to do so and you haven’t used up the three elective modules that are allowed in total across your degree. This is ideal if you wish to continue learning a language for credit within the same year. 
  • Language electives will be like any other module that is aligned with your academic stage and you will get a mark on your transcript.
  • The mark will count towards your average for the year.
  • You must take the version of the language elective of your choice that matches your academic stage:
    • C-coded when taken in your first year
    • I-coded when taken in your second year
    • H-coded when taken in your third year 
    • H-coded if taken as part of your master’s programme options (dipdown module)

Which level and code are the right ones for me?

1. When choosing a language elective, the first thing you’ll need to consider is the level of proficiency that is right for you from Beginner, Elementary, Lower Intermediate and Intermediate (see below for higher-level language modules). This will depend on whether you have studied the language before or not and, if so, at which level, e.g. GCSE, AS Level, A Level, Beginner, Elementary, etc.

To choose which level is right for you, please consult our guide.

2. The second aspect you need to consider is your academic stage, that is, which year you will be in when you take the language elective of your choice.

    • If you are taking the language elective in your first year, you will be assigned the C-coded version of the module.
    • If you are taking the language elective in your second year, you will be assigned the I-coded version of the module.
    • If you are taking the language elective in your final year or as a master’s student, you will be assigned the H-coded version of the module. If you are a master’s student, you would be taking it as a dipdown module.

How can I apply?

You can find details of these modules in the list of elective modules by selecting the Languages at York as the offering department.

To apply for a language elective module you will need to complete the form below. 

  • When applying for a language elective at Beginner, Elementary, Lower Intermediate or Intermediate level, please select Languages at York under ‘What department is offering this module?’ in the form below.
  • Please write the module name and you will be assigned the right code based on your academic stage - do not worry if you don’t know the module code.
  • Apply for a language elective module form

Language and culture modules that are part of the languages degrees are also available as electives for students from other departments. These are modules pitched at Upper Intermediate (post A-Level), Advanced and Proficient for French, German, Italian (subject to availability) and Spanish in which students develop communicative skills in the language while learning about relevant social, historical and cultural topics. 

These languages are categorised as follows:

  • Upper Intermediate modules are C-level (equivalent of first year module)
  • Advanced modules are I-level (equivalent of second year module)
  • Proficient modules are H-level (equivalent of final year module)

Students can dip down or move up to take these modules as electives.

How can I apply?

You can find details of these modules in the list of elective modules by selecting the Language and Linguistic Science Department.

When applying for a language elective at Upper Intermediate, Advanced or Proficient level, please select Language and Linguistic Science under ‘What department is offering this module?’ in the form below:

Apply for a language module 

These modules are an opportunity to learn languages and culture through specialist topics.  You will find the details of each module below:



How can I apply?

Please select Languages at York under ‘What department is offering this module?’ in the form below:

Apply for a specialist language module 

Other modules from our Languages or Linguistics degrees are also available as electives. These include modules on specific cultural, historical, linguistic or social topics. 

You can find details of these modules in the list of elective modules by selecting the Language and Linguistic Science Department.

Apply for a Language or Linguistics module as an elective

Contact us

Languages at York
Department of Language and Linguistic Science University of York, York, YO10 5DD, UK
+44 1904 322493