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Educational resources for schools

The department offers a number of resources for school students and teachers. Please feel free to explore and download the materials below. Schools and teachers with particular requirements are welcome to contact us at

The York English Language Toolkit

The York English Language Toolkit provides a wealth of free resources for English Language A-level teachers based on our department’s research. It contains classroom activities and lessons on a wide range of topics from sociolinguistics and language acquisition to language change and conversation analysis.

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Workshops for English Language teachers

The department runs free CPD workshops for English Language A-level teachers where members of the academic staff present their latest research on English and provide flexible teaching resources that workshop participants can adapt for use in their classrooms. The workshop generally runs annually.

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Outreach in schools

The department’s Outreach Team is dedicated to getting primary and secondary school students excited about language learning and linguistics. We do this by organising visits to and from surrounding schools, offering talks, interactive sessions and languages and linguistics based activities.

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Free online course (MOOC)

Learn how sociolinguists explore the relationship between language and the expression of personal, social and cultural identity in our free online course An Introduction to Sociolinguistics: Accents, Attitudes and Identity. If you successfully complete the course, you will be eligible for a reduced offer, one grade below our typical offer.

Learn more.