Accessibility statement

Italian-speaking countries



Italian universities

  • Italian universities can vary significantly in size. Whereas universities like La Sapienza in Roma have over 100,000 students, others only have a few thousands.
  • In general there are more contact hours than in UK universities and it is not unusual for Italian students to have over 30 contact hours per week.
  • The average age of Italian students is 22 years old and the average student graduates at 24.
  • The usual way to address teaching and supporting staff is with the formal LEI. Academic members of staff are usually called 'Professore' or 'Professoressa'. First names are not used. Teaching and supporting staff will also address students with the formal LEI.
  • Universities use a 30-point grading scale, with 18 being the pass grade and 30 being the top mark.

Reggio Emilia

Studying in Italy - Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia

Viale A. Allegri 9
42121 Reggio Emilia
Tel: +39 0522 52 202
Fax: +39 0522 52 2199

  • Founded in 1175, the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia has a population of around 20,000 students.
  • It offers the possibility to follow courses in Italian language, linguistics, foreign languages, Psychology, Sociology, History of the Cinema, Media Studies and more.

Local tutor (Academic Support)

Erasmus Institutional Coordinator

Information for exchange students

Semester dates, application, registration, tutoring system, support programme, curriculum planning, etc.:

Accommodation information

For information about accommodation, please visit:

Application Deadlines

July 15 for the following winter semester; the deadline for the summer term is usually in December. (Please note: All applications for the year will be finalised here in York by mid-May and sent to Italy in one pack, so even if you are applying to go to university in Italy in the summer semester your application will be sent by the summer deadline in your second year.)

Travel and Arrival

The university is within walking distance from the city centre.

Emergency Contacts

If you’re in Italy and you urgently need consular assistance (eg if you have been attacked, arrested or lost your passport), please call the British Consulate on +39 06 4220 0001. If you’re in the UK and concerned about a British national in Italy, call 0207 008 6336.

British Embassy Rome
Via XX Settembre 80/a
00187 Rome
Telephone: +39 06 4220 0001
Fax: +39 06 4220 2333

The British Embassy offices in Rome are not open to the public. Visits are by appointment only.

For further travel advice to Italy, please visit:

Useful Emergency Numbers in Italy

  • Carabinieri (and general emergency): 112
  • Vigili del fuoco: 115
  • Soccorso Sanitario: 118


Studying in Italy - Università per Stranieri di Siena

Piazza Carlo Rosselli 27/28
53100 Siena
Tel.: +39 0577 240 100/111
Fax: +39 0577 281 030

  • Founded in 1917, the Università per Stranieri di Siena has always had a strong focus in the teaching of languages and in particular Italian and Italian culture.
  • It offers courses in Italian language, grammar, culture, history, history of the language, history of art, foreign languages, and more.

Local tutor (Academic Support)

    Dipartimento di Ateneo per la Didattica e la Ricerca
    Tel. 0577240142

Erasmus Institutional Coordinator

Information for exchange students

Semester dates, application, registration, tutoring system, support programme, curriculum planning, etc.:

Accommodation information

The housing Service will help you in finding a room and will give you useful information for your stay in Siena:

For more information about accommodation, please visit:

Application Deadlines

July 15 for the following winter semester and by December 15 for the following summer semester. (Please note: All applications for the year will be finalised here in York by mid-May and sent to Italy in one pack, so even if you are applying to go to university in Italy in the summer semester your application will be sent by the summer deadline in your second year.)

Travel and Arrival

The university is right in front of the train station and the city centre is about 1.5 Km away (uphill).

  • If you fly to Roma Fiumicino, there is a bus that goes directly from the airport to Siena and stops at the train station in Siena, in front of the university. The journey lasts about 3.5 hours. You can check time and prices and buy tickets in advance at:
  • You can also fly to Pisa from East Midlands, Liverpool, Leeds, and London Stansted. From Pisa airport you can then take a bus to the train station and then a train from Pisa to Siena (cost around 10 Euros, you will have to change at Empoli). You can check times and prices and buy train tickets at:
  • If you travel by train from Firenze it takes about 1.5 hours. You can check times and prices and buy train tickets at:

Emergency Contacts

If you're in Italy and you urgently need consular assistance (eg if you have been attacked, arrested or lost your passport), please call the British Consulate on +39 06 4220 0001. If you’re in the UK and concerned about a British national in Italy, call 0207 008 6336.

British Embassy Rome
Via XX Settembre 80/a
00187 Rome
Telephone: +39 06 4220 0001
Fax: +39 06 4220 2333

The British Embassy offices in Rome are not open to the public. Visits are by appointment only.

For further travel advice to Italy, please visit:

Useful Emergency Numbers in Italy

  • Carabinieri (and general emergency): 112
  • Vigili del fuoco: 115
  • Soccorso Sanitario: 118


Studying in Italy - Università degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" Chieti - Pescara

Centralino +39 08545371


The ‘Gabriele d’Annunzio’ University, established in 1965 as a ‘Libera Università’ (non state-owned university), became state-owned in 1982. Today, it has 13 Departments and 2 Schools and about 30,000 students. There are two university campuses: Chieti and Pescara. The Department of Modern Languages and Cultures is located in Pescara.

Pescara is situated in the Abruzzo region and is modern city with about 120,000 inhabitants, on the eastern coast of Italy.

Local tutor (Academic Support)

Dipartimento di Lingue, letterature e culture moderne


Erasmus Institutional Coordinator
Dipartimento di Lingue, letterature e culture moderne

Information for exchange students

 Accommodation information

The University does not provide accommodation but helps students in finding private accommodation. The ASE ESN (Erasmus Student Network) helps students to find a room and provides useful information for their sojourn in Pescara.

Application Deadlines

The academic year structure of the University of Pescara  follows a semester model with an autumn semester starting at the beginning of October and ending at the end of February (or at the end of January if all the exams are completed in the first session); a spring semester starting in March and ending in July. Holidays are from December 23 through January 7th. Easter holidays go from Thursday before the festivity until the following Wednesday.


Travel and Arrival

You can fly directly to Pescara from London Stansted. is located at about 3 km from the centre of Pescara.

From Pescara Centre to Pescara Airport: coach n. 38 departing every 15 minutes from Pescara Railway Station. Single trip: 1,10 euros (2015).

From Pescara Airport terminal to Pescara Centre: coach n. 38 departing every 15 minutes from the terminal.

Tickets sold at the automatic machine in the terminal arrivals area.

For further information please visit the airport website:

 The next closest airport to Pescara with direct flights from London Stansted is Ancona, at about two hours by train from Pescara.

Emergency Contacts

If you're in Italy and you urgently need consular assistance (eg if you have been attacked, arrested or lost your passport), please call the British Consulate on +39 06 4220 0001. If you’re in the UK and concerned about a British national in Italy, call 0207 008 6336.

British Embassy Rome
Via XX Settembre 80/a
00187 Rome
Telephone: +39 06 4220 0001
Fax: +39 06 4220 2333

The British Embassy offices in Rome are not open to the public. Visits are by appointment only.

For further travel advice to Italy, please visit:

Useful Emergency Numbers in Italy

Carabinieri (and general emergency): 112

Vigili del fuoco: 115

Soccorso Sanitario: 118

Who to contact

Year Abroad coordinator:

Academic coordinators:

Year Abroad Administrator:

  • Laura Mansfield
    Postal address:
    Department of Language & Linguistic Science 
    University of York 
    YO10 5DD, UK