Accessibility statement

German-speaking countries


German/Austrian universities

  • they are much larger than York and therefore classes can also be larger
  • most universities are now offering BA-Studiengänge and MA-Studiengänge
  • students are much more independent and responsible for their own learning
  • the seminar is the most common class form and requires preparation and participation from students

Types of classes

  • Hauptseminar: advanced seminar
  • is usually assessed by Hausarbeit (10-15 pages or more)
  • sometimes the presentation of a Referat will be required
  • Vorlesung: lecture, can vary between 1 - 3 hpw
  • usually you sit a closed exam (Klausur) at the end to obtain credits
  • Proseminar: seminar, usually examined by closed exam
  • Übung: Practical class, tutorial, usually examined by closed exam
  • times of classes listed as '10 - 12' start at 10.15 and end at 11.45
  • this is called the "Akademisches Viertel"
  • the class begins 'cum tempore' (with time)
  • information on classes can be obtained online and from a Vorlesungsverzeichnis
  • most classes take place within the normal working day (exceptions possible)

Map of Germany and Austria

Who to contact

Year Abroad coordinators:

Year Abroad Administrators:

  • Dan Peacock/Rachel O'Brien
    Postal address:
    Department of Language & Linguistic Science
    University of York
    YO10 5DD, UK