IPA fonts This is a link to UCL's phonetic and linguistics website which has information about using phonetic symbols on you computer with links to fonts, and phonetic keyboard.
Keyman This free program makes using the IPA fonts in MS Word (etc.) much easier, and allows you to customise your computer keyboard.
PhonMap A convenient little piece of software which allows you to paste strings of IPA symbols into other applications using a clickable on-screen 'keyboard' interface. PhonMap is easier and faster to use than Keyman. Only a subset of IPA symbols is available, however, and those that are shown are geared towards entering transcriptions in RP English.
IPAKLICK Hartmut Traunmüller's 'phonetic type-and-clickwriter' allowing fast and easy entry of the full inventory of symbols in IPA Unicode font (thus more flexible than Phonmap). You need to download and install SIL Unicode IPA Font Beta from here before you can use it. To open the symbol-entry interface, click on IPAKLICK at the top left of the screen.
Linguist List's Fonts page Various phonetic and language-specific fonts (Greek, Cyrillic, Japanese, etc.) for download.
IPA Help Supplies spoken examples of the International Phonetic Alphabet and word lists with language examples.
Sound Scriber Like a transcription machine, but with keyboard shortcuts instead of a footpedal, and all done on-screen. The adjustable playback selection and loop times help speed up audio transcription.
Summer Institute of Linguistics Source of Unicode fonts, in particular Doulos and Charis. Of these two, Charis has a larger set of symbols and also prints in bold and italic, unlike Doulos
IPA Console The TDS IPA Console is an on-screen keyboard for typing characters and diacritics in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). The Console is a Java Web Start application which allows you to easily generate and paste strings of IPA symbols in Unicode. The Console includes the complete set of IPA characters and diacritics, and a few non-IPA favorites. You can also add user-defined buttons for arbitrary Unicode characters. In addition, the Console can be used to import legacy IPA text from the SIL IPA and SIL IPA 93 encodings.
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