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Phonological development



This module aims:

  • to provide an overview of phonetic and phonological development, with an emphasis on the first two years of life
  • to acquaint you with the findings of both observational and experimental studies of infant speech perception and production and of the transition from babbling to speech
  • to compare lexical and phonological development in late talkers with that of typically developing children
  • to consider the main theoretical approaches to phonological development.



Contact hours

The course lasts for one term. There are two one-hour lectures, plus a two hour seminar every other week.

Teaching programme

By the end of the course the student should have a good understanding of the relationship of babbling to early word learning and of the course of phonological development through about age two.

Students should be able to identify patterning in the early words of children learning any language with which they are familiar.

Teaching materials

The key text is:

  • Vihman, M. (2014) Phonological Development (2nd ed.). Malden, MA: Wiley/Blackwell.



  • 5,000 word essay

About this module

  • Module name
    Phonological development
  • Course code
    L54M (LAN00054M)
  • Teacher 
    Marilyn Vihman
  • Term(s) taught
  • Credits