to give you practice at using articulatory and acoustic phonetic terminology in describing English and other languages
to acquaint you with the International Phonetic Alphabet and the principles of its use
to introduce you to some simple notational devices for the phonological analysis of speech
to prepare you for further modules in phonetics and phonology
Contact hours
The course is taught for three hours a week. Each week, there will be a two-hour lecture and a one-hour seminar.
Teaching programme
The course will cover the basics of phonetics and phonology, referring a wide range of different languages.
For the seminars you will be expected to prepare by reading and/or conducting analysis of data. The seminars will allow you to explore some of the issues raised in the lecture in more depth.
Some of the topics to be covered are:
the symbols of the International Phonetics Alphabet and the sounds they stand for;
phonetic transcription;
training in hearing and producing sounds;
units of phonological contrast;phonological representation;
distinctive features;
the formal description of phonological patterns.
Outcomes should include:
familiarity with basic phonetics and phonological structures;
ability to make phonetic observations with reference to auditory and simple acoustic analysis;
ability to make simple transcriptions using the International Phonetic Alphabet;
ability to represent simple phonological structures and use these to explain some aspects of phonetic detail.
Teaching materials
You should buy:
Ladefoged, Peter (2001). A Course in Phonetics. 4th Edition. Fort Worth, Harcourt.
A recommended reading list will be provided.
Formative work
a dossier of exercises
a dossier of exercises
About this module
Module name Phonetics and phonology
Course code L29M (LAN00029M)
Teacher MártonSóskuthy
Term(s) taught Autumn
Credits 10
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