In this module you will gain a deeper and broader understanding of the technical and theoretical concepts of phonetics and phonology, and gain an understanding of the relationship between data and analysis by broadening and deepening your understanding of the organisation of speech in its most natural environment, conversation, and by having the opportunity to collect and analyse your own data.
You will become proficient and develop competence in phonetics in the following ways:
- by having an opportunity to expand your phonetics skills (impressionistic and/or instrumental);
- by having a forum in which you can discuss and elaborate phonological analyses;
- by integrating the complementary skills of phonetics and phonology.
Contact hours
The work will be divided between lectures (2 hours per week) and practical sessions (1 hour per week).
Teaching programme
This module will introduce you to the phonetic and phonological analysis of conversation. You will be required to construct a collection of spontaneous spoken data over the Easter vacation from materials provided, which will form the basis of a programme of work during the term.
The programme will cover data collection and analysis, and will consist of some lectures and seminars. The main part of the module though will be 'data sessions', where the focus of attention will be extracts of the data that you have collected. Depending on students' experience and interests, the exact content of the module will vary.
You will develop an increased tolerance of ambiguity and a respect for the tentative nature of scientific knowledge:
- by being given an introduction to working in a research-based way;
- by developing your skills at working independently and working on a single more in-depth project.
Teaching materials
Recommended readings will be available to download via the VLE. Audio corpora and transcripts will also be provided.