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The phonetics of talk-in-interaction


In this module you will gain a deeper and broader understanding of the technical and theoretical concepts of phonetics and phonology, and gain an understanding of the relationship between data and analysis by broadening and deepening your understanding of the organisation of speech in its most natural environment, conversation, and by having the opportunity to collect and analyse your own data.

You will become proficient and develop competence in phonetics in the following ways:

  • by having an opportunity to expand your phonetics skills (impressionistic and/or instrumental);
  • by having a forum in which you can discuss and elaborate phonological analyses;
  • by integrating the complementary skills of phonetics and phonology.

About this module

  • Module name
    The phonetics of talk-in-interaction
  • Course code
    L28M (LAN00028M)
  • Teacher 
    Richard Ogden
  • Term(s) taught
  • Credits