to further develop students’ knowledge of syntax and syntactic theory
to develop students’ skills in evaluating syntactic analyses
to enhance students’ own syntactic argumentation skills
Satisfactory completion of the Autumn term Syntax module or equivalent. The first essay for that module will be due midterm.
Contact hours
The module lasts for one term and is taught for three hours per week.
Teaching programme
This course is a continuation of the approach to Syntax developed in the Autumn term (Syntax module). Elements of generative syntactic theory which were not covered in the Autumn will be introduced and core concepts will be further elaborated.
You should expect to work for at least 15 hours a week on syntax outside of class contact hours.
Teaching materials
Required reading
Adger, David (2003) Core Syntax.
You may be asked to read additional material
Two assignments totalling 5,000 words:
A short data based essay (approx. 1,000 words) 25%
An essay of approximately 4,000 words exploring a theoretical topic of your choice by undertaking an analysis of syntactic data from a language with which you have considerable familiarity. (Topic to be approved by the tutor) Worth 75%