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Language and Linguistic Science

A dynamic and innovative department, our expertise spans the arts and sciences. We offer an exciting range of courses combining modern foreign languages, English language, and linguistics. Find out more about our department.

The Research Excellence Framework 2021

  • We’re ranked 1st in the UK for the quality of our research - according to the Times Higher Education’s ranking of the latest REF results (2021). Also, 100% of our research impact was rated 4* - REF’s highest rating.
Learn more about the 2021 REF results


Languages at York courses

Equality and Diversity

We hold an Athena SWAN Bronze Award in recognition of our commitment to gender equality.



Con(s)t(r)aining heterogeneous plurals: towards a comprehensive analysis of associative and similative plurals

Heterogeneous plurality is an umbrella term for plurals that don't "add up" tokens of the same type (these are additive or homogeneous plurals), but instead combine with a nominal stem ‘X' and produce a plural set whose members are not all tokens of 'X'.


Tertulia de Literatura y Cine: Mis padres y mis hijos

This event is organised by the ‘Tertulia de Literatura y Cine’ series run by María Muradás-Taylor (Lecturer in Spanish) at the Department of Language and Linguistic Science. During the Tertulia, participants take part in a guided discussion in Spanish about social, historical and political aspects of the Spanish speaking world through literature and films, with the occasional guest speaker.


Le Page Lecture 2025: Decision-making by speakers of English as a second language: Insights from the criminal justice system

The Department of Language and Linguistic Science, University of York welcomes you to join us for the Annual Le Page lecture.

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Linguistics at York placed 9th in the UK and 99th in the world

Friday 14 March 2025

Linguistics at York placed 9th in the UK and 99th in the world according to the latest release of the QS World University Rankings by subject (2025).

Kamishibai (紙芝居), sign language (手話 ), origami (折り紙) and … a very warm and heartfelt welcome from St Lawrence’s CE Primary School

Friday 14 March 2025

Following the storytelling & origami session Ulrike Wray, Yumi Nixon and Géraldine Enjelvin successfully ran for York Cares in November 2024, the charity contacted them again.

Update: The Last Men Standing

Thursday 28 November 2024

The Last Men Standing, a feature-length documentary edited by Huw Jones, has won the awards for Best North East Film and Audience Award - Feature Film

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