Useful communication tools
The information distills the key features of some of the communications tools we have available at York. Recommendations on how and when to use each tool are provided but you will need to decide as a team how you will use the tool and how it fits into your workflows.
- Formal communications: use for sharing detailed formal communications. Use for communications which include actionable content, that don't require urgent attention (2+ days). For actionable and urgent emails include the status in the subject line.
- Detailed communications: use Google Gmail (email) for newsletters and longer communications which don’t require a response; think about reducing content by linking to further information, formatting and structure.
- Email groups: use Google Groups in your email to ensure that you are including all staff and students that need to see the communication. You can set up your own Google Groups for projects and meetings.
- Departmental information: create a wiki space for your department and share policies, standard procedures and department guidelines.
- Committees: create a space for committees to share terms of reference and minutes. Share a record of actions and decisions.
- Signpost: collate links to useful websites, systems and other resources that your team/department need regular access to.
Google Meet
Zoom is the recommended tool for video conferencing. Use Meet for: