Password managers
It can be a challenge to keep track of all your different passwords, and it is often tempting to reuse the same password.
Password managers are websites/apps that securely store your log in credentials, including usernames and passwords.
- You only need to remember your master password for the password manager to access your other credentials.
- You can generate a unique, complex password for every single website, service or system. If there are problems with passwords being compromised on a site you use, you won't have to change your password everywhere else.
- You will no longer need to think of new passwords. Password managers can generate and store new passwords for you.
- You can set password managers to fill in usernames, passwords and online forms for you.
University Password Manager
The University currently has a site licence for LastPass which is available for both staff and students. Staff are advised to store any work related passwords in LastPass. A LastPass account can be requested by contacting IT Services.