Accessibility statement

Contact the Computer Emergency Response Team

If you think your machine has been attacked or other activity of concern is taking place, contact the York CERT (Computer Emergency Response Team).

GPG may be used to encrypt communications with us, using key 0xF719A4EE8F6D4524 ( 4kb download) (also available on public keyservers).

If your information is urgent or confidential, please phone: +44 (0) 1904 32 6850
This will be picked up by one of our CERT team members:
  • Alex Cooper
  • Arron Merrill 
  • Ben Greenwood
  • Gavin Atkinson 
  • Neil Jowsey 
  • Richard Fuller
  • Rob Hurt

The details above should only be used in situations where there is an IT security risk.

For all other queries, including problems accessing your account, or non-urgent concerns or questions relating to IT security, please contact IT Support:

  • IT Support