Accessibility statement

Cyber Security

York Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT)

If your machine has been attacked or other activity of concern is taking place, contact CERT.

If you wish to report a security issue affecting systems we run, please see our Vulnerability disclosure policy.

Securing your device

Choose a strong password & keep it safe

IT Services staff will never ask for your password by email, phone or in person.

Passwords »

Two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication offers additional protection for your accounts.

How does it work »

Keep your device up to date

Update the software on your device to protect it from malware or a security breach.

Updating your device »

Password managers

Password managers securely store all of your usernames and passwords for you. Read about the benefits and how to access the password manager we use at York.

Storing your passwords »

Screen lock

Stop others being able to access your device.

Set a screen lock »

Remote security features

Lock or locate your device if it's lost or stolen.

Remote security »

Phone security

Treat your phone as carefully as your bank cards.

Safer Smartphones »

Safe use of University information on all devices

Safe use policy »

Information Management Training

A number of information management courses are available to research staff and postgraduate researchers.

Sign up »

Virus & malware protection

Protecting your device, & what to do if it gets a virus.

Virus & malware help »

Network settings & firewalls

Prevent automatic connections to unknown/open wireless networks.

Network settings »

Dispose of your device properly

Do you need to wipe your data, and how to do it.

Secure PC disposal »

Protect confidential data

Encrypt your data to keep it secure when stored or sent.

Encryption »


Ongoing Information/Cyber Security Awareness and Data Protection training for staff is provided by IT Services through the MetaCompliance portal.

MetaCompliance »

Computing Risk Assessment (CRA)


The Computing Risk Assessment ensures secure and compliant computing services at the University of York.

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File icon 

Files: security and policy

Internet icon

Monitoring internet usage

The University’s internet connection is provided by the UK’s research network JANET. It is a condition of our connection that we are able to trace misuse of the network to an individual if requested.

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Social networks

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7 golden rules of information security

Our seven golden rules for protecting information, and protecting yourself:

  • Seven golden rules

Icon showing a suitcase

Using IT when you're travelling