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IT Services accounts

This service and policies are under review. The page will be updated shortly with the changes.

Related services

Your IT account gives you access to email, filestore, campus PCs, Library journals, the staff and student home pages, and many other University services.

You'll be assigned a username using our standard format. You'll also be given a York email address, which you can use to log in to Google Workspace.

Use My IT Account to change your password, pay for printing, check your filestore and manage your account facilities.

My IT Account »

Once you have your username and password, you will need to set up your account before you can use it.


All new undergraduates, taught graduates and research graduates are centrally registered by the University administration.

As part of the application process, you'll be given access to You@York and the accommodation system. 

Once you become a student, your Joining Instructions email will tell you how to set up your IT account to get full access to IT facilities.


If you are a new member of staff and have not yet been given your account details, you can obtain an account by contacting either:

  • visiting the Library and IT Help Desk in the Harry Fairhurst Building
  • speaking to your departmental People Database Administrator (PDA) 
    Note: the PDA list requires an account to view it - you will need to ask a colleague to access the page for you.

Anyone who is not entered in the University Personnel or Student Record systems will need to be entered in the People Database by their departmental People Database Administrator (PDA).

Your username and password will be issued automatically by your PDA and you will be able to register your account after approximately two hours.

Non-personal accounts

These are accounts set up for projects on request.

Request a non-personal account

Please allow at least three working days for the account to be created.

Student society accounts

Please email your request to University of York Students' Union at

Temporary accounts

Temporary accounts can be issued for events, visits, student conferences, exams etc.

Request a temporary account

Please allow at least three working days for the accounts to be created.

If you are requesting accounts for exam conditions, please allow at least ten working days for the account to be created.

Conference accounts

If you have organised a conference through York Conferences, please contact them about setting up IT accounts.

Web account

A web account allows you to publish content to without using the Web CMS.

Most content on the University website should be published using the Web CMS, but if you believe you need a web account please contact to discuss your requirements.

With the exception of conference accounts, IT Services accounts are free of charge.