Global development research undertaken by IGDC members at York is associated with one or more of our core themes: social justice, global health and wellbeing, and sustainable environments.

Complementing this research activity, IGDC also supports a cross-cutting theme on decolonising global development research.

Research themes

Global health and wellbeing

Good health and wellbeing is a fundamental human right for everyone regardless of race, religion, or social and economic conditions. Our research looks to better understand and enhance health and wellbeing. While acknowledging the specific context, we also explore how knowledge and best practices can be exchanged across borders for a healthier global population.

Sustainable environments

Our research identifies the opportunities and challenges that people experience in relation to natural resources and the natural environment. It also considers how different people share the risks, benefits, costs and control over the outcomes that emerge from interactions between humans and the environment.

Social justice

An important strand of our research focuses on the ways in which individuals, communities and civil societies, at local, national and global scales, engage with development concerns and the challenges of building a fairer world. Our research is concerned with how socially just and sustainable futures can be delivered despite persistent social, political, resource and governance challenges.

Decolonising research

IGDC aims to support decolonising global development research through partnerships, events, workshops and toolkits that can help inform the work of academics and development professionals.

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Latest publications

See the latest peer-reviewed journal articles from our members on a wide range of global development topics and disciplines.

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