Social Media & Marketing - Intern Opportunity

News | Posted on Monday 20 March 2023

Opportunity for University of York students to join IGDC as an Intern working to develop our Instagram following and raise the profile of our programmes

Intern Vacancy IGDC Social Media and Marketing Deadline 7 April
Job Description
One of the marketing avenues we are exploring is an Instagram account for the BA programme. We would like to develop this following and use the platform to promote our work and raise the profile of our programmes and academic research to new audiences and potential students. We have developed the BA’s brand identity and created user guides for our marketing, and last year we hired an intern to assist in developing our social media strategy.
We are now hiring a new intern to work within the predeveloped guidelines and marketing plan to carry out the following tasks:  
  • Manage our instagram account.
  • Research and propose engaging content ideas to members of staff, and then develop approved content from inception to editing to the finished product. We would like a range of content types including stills and videos. 
  • Deliver a regular posting schedule.  
  • Analyse post engagement, and identify the best times and types of content in order to refine our ongoing content plan.
  • Perform an overall review of the content of our channels in order to develop a thematic social media content plan to be used on our Instagram account with the aim of raising the profile of our programmes
Hours per week: 10
Duration: 12 weeks
Location: virtual
Apply for the Role
The role  is open to students within the University of York. 
The deadline for applications is 7 April 2023