This event has now finished.
  • Date and time: Wednesday 4 October 2023, 9am to Friday 6 October 2023, 5pm
  • Location: In-person and online
    West Campus, University of York
  • Audience: Open to staff, students
  • Admission: Free admission, booking required

Event details

The 5th version of Conference Ventana invites scholars, activists, artists and more, from multiple disciplines and pathways, to participate in a discussion about the inner contradictions of decoloniality. We wish to acknowledge the existence of multiple cosmogonies, ontologies and epistemologies around the globe, many that escape the scope of traditionally academic perspectives. We want to discover diverse ways understand the world, and bring them together through the notion of pluriversality, or the coexistence of multiple universalities.

Nurturing from these conversations and building on the conference trajectory, the fifth Ventana conference is titled Navigating Uncomfortable Contradictions: Decolonial Routes Towards Pluriversality. We are inspired by the work and ideas of Enrique Dussel, Arturo Escobar, Walter Mignolo, Marisol de la Cadena, Ndlovu-Gatsheni Sabelo, Mario Blaser, and one of our keynote speakers, Catherine E. Walsh.

Our programme will include keynotes, panels, and workshops, on a hybrid modality, allowing and encouraging the participation of people from all over the globe.

We are proud to count with the participation of our keynotes:

  • Dr Catherine E. Walsh, presenting Decolonial Discomforts, Decolonial Paths, Decolonial Cracks
  • Dr Indrajit Roy presenting New development futures: The connected politics of hope
  • Dr Julia Sachseder, presenting The coloniality of violence: approaching the intersections of transnational capital, gender and race in and beyond (armed) conflict
  • Dr Laura Loyola-Hernández, presenting the keynote workshop Creating community spaces of hope in the neoliberal university

The rest of the programme will be published in the following weeks.

The conference is free, providing an affordable and accessible platform for everyone.

You can also join the conference online, tickets are available here.

Venue details