This event has now finished.
  • Date and time: Wednesday 9 November 2022, 2.30pm to 4pm
  • Location: Online only
  • Audience: Open to staff, students, the public
  • Admission: Free admission, booking required

Event details

IGDC and ISRF are hosting a webinar on “Rethinking recovery in Latin American landscapes: knowledges, conservation and justice.”

Against a backdrop of multiple planetary crises, woodlands, wetlands, grasslands and other landscapes across Latin America are undergoing profound environmental and land use changes. This has brought notions of “degradation”, “conservation”, “restoration” and “recovery” at the centre of environmental governance schemes. In this webinar session we ask how public institutions, local communities, and other actors understand and implement “recovery”, and how these initiatives engage with diverse, including indigenous and peasant knowledges. What is being recovered and by whom? And what can policy and research around landscape recovery teach us about environmental justice? By bringing together researchers working across diverse landscapes in South America, the panel aims to rethink “recovery” in nature conservation through a critical and interdisciplinary lens.


  • Dr Hanne Cottyn, Post-Doc Research Associate, Department of History - University of York
  • Dr Judith Krauss, Lecturer in Development Politics - University of York
  • Dr Laila Sandroni, Post-Doc Fellow in Applied Ecology. Wildlife Ecology, Management and Conservation Lab (LEMaC) - University of São Paulo
  • Dr Santiago Martínez, independent researcher, and lecturer in Anthropology - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Prof Manuel Prieto, Professor in Geography, Department of Historical and Geographical Sciences -Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica, and Research Associate - Center for Intercultural and Indigenous Research, Chile

Zoom: this webinar will be delivered using Zoom Webinar facility. No prior purchasing of software is necessary but registration is required. While the event may be recorded we will not record your voice or image. Please note that during the session, your name and email address (as entered at the registration stage) may be visible to other participants.

If you have any questions, please contact

Rethinking recovery and conservation in Latin American landscapes image