This event has now finished.
  • Date and time: Thursday 28 January 2021, 2pm to 4pm
  • Location: Online only
  • Audience: Open to University of York only
  • Admission: Free admission, booking required

Event details

Everyone is under a lot of pressure this term, especially with the return of home-schooling for some of us, so we decided our IGDC Research Away-Day is doing something a little different this time around. We want to take a couple of hours away from research and teaching pressures and use the opportunity for some more reflective discussion.

For that reason, we will split the afternoon into two sessions:


In the first session, Dr Indrajit Roy will lead a discussion around 'Hope'.

Hope is something we could all do with a bit more of at this time, and Indrajit has written a short, thought-provoking piece about the meaning and nature of hope. We will discuss what hope means to us as researchers in global development, how different disciplines relate to hope, and how we might incorporate hope into our research activities.


In the second session, IGDC Co-Director, Professor Piran White will lead a discussion around inclusive research

Back in June, IGDC published an open letter in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. In response to this, we committed to a number of actions. One of these was to develop an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy covering all areas of the IGDC, including our work with external partners. This has now developed into a guide to good practice for inclusive research. During the second half of the session, we would welcome all feedback and reflections.


  • Dr Indrajit Roy is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Politics. Indrajit worked in the development sector for seven years prior to undertaking his doctoral studies at the University of Oxford. Since obtaining a doctorate in development studies, he has held the ESRC Future Research Leader Fellowship at the Oxford Department of International Development (ODID) as well as a Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) at Wolfson College, University of Oxford. His research and teaching contribute to critical approaches to studying the politics of global development, with a focus on ‘new development futures’ that promise to reframe the discipline.
  • Professor Piran White is a Co-Director of IGDC and holds a Personal Chair. He has been at York since 1995 when he was first appointed as a Lecturer in the Department of Environment and Geography. He is also Deputy Director of the NERC-funded Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability Directorate. Piran carries out research on human-environment interactions, including the services and benefits we derive from nature and the links between ecosystems and human and animal health. His development-related research is focused on Latin America and the Caribbean. He is leading two projects on the Caribbean coast of Colombia, under the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) El Niño and Building Resilience programmes. He is also leading a GCRF project to develop novel insurance products to enhance response and recovery of coral reefs and seagrass beds in the Caribbean, following damage from tropical cyclones.

Image: "Hope" by bitzcelt is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Please note that this webinar will be delivered using Zoom Webinar facility. No prior purchasing of software is necessary but registration is required. While the event may be recorded we will not record your voice or image. Please note that during the session, your name and email address (as entered at the registration stage) may be visible to other participants. If you have any questions, please contact

Venue details

  • Wheelchair accessible
  • No hearing loop