We work in partnership with a wide variety of different organisations from the arts, heritage, media, creative industries, education and business, and our interdisciplinary research activity has impact across our wider communities.

Work with us! We have expertise across a wide range of departments and research centres and we're always interested to hear from organisations and groups looking to collaborate. Get in touch to find out more.

Facilitating partnerships

The Humanities Research Centre helps external organisations find collaborators within the University. Our team can help put you in touch with the right person. Contact us on 

Contact us

Humanities Research Centre

Berrick Saul Building, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, UK

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Our expertise

Arts and Humanities research at York is furthering our knowledge and deepening our understanding of a fascinating array of human experience and culture.

Explore some of the ways we're working with our partners in the wider community, or find out more about the work being conducted through our departments and centres.  


Place and Community

Place and Community aims to connect University of York Arts and Humanities research with partner organisations to contribute to cultural wellbeing in York and beyond, through placemaking and community building.

Visit the Place and Community web pages

How we do research in the HRC

The University's Research Strategy encourages interdepartmental and interdisciplinary research activity clustered around seven research themes, each led by a Research Champion. The Humanities Research Centre works closely with the Research Champions to consolidate existing strengths and develop new opportunities for collaboration across the University and externally. Find out more about the impact of our research, and how we support researchers:

Contact us

Humanities Research Centre

Berrick Saul Building, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, UK

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