Grant application support

This page is being updated. Please contact for questions about a grant application.

On these pages you’ll find information on preparing and submitting a research proposal for funding, including answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about research grant applications.

The HRC has a dedicated support team that can help you with many aspects of your research grant application.

We encourage you to contact us directly at to discuss the details of your specific project, and find out more about how we can help. 

Contact us

Humanities Research Centre

Berrick Saul Building, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, UK

The Berrick Saul Building by night

Research support for academic staff

The HRC Research Support Team works together to support the development of research grant applications for the Arts and Humanities community at the University of York.

All academic staff are encouraged to contact us at any stage of a project’s formation - it’s never too early to discuss your ideas with the team, and the sooner you get in touch the more help we’ll be able to provide. 

Please email for any queries about a grant proposal.

What we can do for you

  • Identify the most appropriate funder and scheme for your project
  • Advise on funder regulations and guidelines (ie eligibility criteria, application and submission procedures, funder research priorities etc)
  • Coordinate meetings with the Faculty Research Impact Managers to discuss where and how your project might have impact outside academia
  • Coordinate meetings with the Research Development Manager to facilitate collaborative partnerships with other institutions, both within and beyond academia
  • Help prepare proposals, including costs, review of drafts, and advise on internal requirements for submission of grant applications
  • Cost proposals and make sure they align with funder regulations as well as University of York internal policies regarding travel, inflation, full economic cost, VAT etc
  • Liaise with Research Grants Operations for budget approval
  • Provide access to previously successful grant applications
  • Review draft proposals
  • Answer queries about funded projects

Writing grant applications can be difficult, time-consuming work but we’re here to help make the process as painless as possible. Please get in touch to see how we can help.

Find funding

You have an idea for a research project but need some funding to carry it off.  Where do you start? Information on available funding schemes can be found in a number of places: funder websites, newsletters and Twitter feeds; funding opportunities databases; departmental mail outs; word of mouth and so on. Let us do the hard work for you - come and talk to the Research Support Team, tell us what you want to do and we can help find the right funder and scheme for your project. 

Prepare a proposal

Funder requirements vary significantly between funding schemes, and they change regularly.  In addition to these, the University of York has its own set of policies and procedures that need to be followed.  Rather than attempt to provide a complete guide to every type of funding application for every type of situation, these pages address some of the most common errors made on applications, and provide guidance about the parts of the process that many people struggle with: impactcosting, and submission. Putting together a research grant application is a time consuming process and can feel overwhelming.  Talk to the HRC research support team: we can help.

Contact us

Humanities Research Centre

Berrick Saul Building, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, UK