This page explains the process of applying to AHEC for ethics approval. If you have any questions about the process, email or the Committee chair, Professor Mariana López ( for clarification.
There are three different forms for submission of applications for approval - the Full Submission Form, the Standard Submission Form and the Non-Anonymous Interview Checklist. It is up to the researcher to determine which form to complete at the outset, using the following guidelines:
For research that falls into one or more of the following categories:
you should use the Full Submission Form
AHEC Full Submission Form (MS Word , 3,434kb)
For research that does not involve vulnerable groups (see above), sensitive topics or deception and is low-risk, ie:
You should use the Standard Submission Form
AHEC Standard Submission Form (MS Word , 3,427kb)
It is normally expected that anonymity is offered to research participants, and the standard or full application forms should be normally used. However, if you plan to interview people in the public eye (eg writers, artists, performers) whose individual position, status and contribution is unique, and the interviews are low risk, with members of non-vulnerable groups, and the participants do not require anonymity, then it is acceptable to make the interviews non-anonymous. In this case, you should use the Non-Anonymous Interviews Checklist.
AHEC Non-Anonymous Interviews Checklist (MS Word , 54kb)
The appropriate form must be submitted, together with all accompanying documentation (eg information sheets, consent forms) to the appropriate person for approval:
The approver needs to read, provide feedback when relevant, and sign the form. Once everything has been checked and signed the approver should return the signed form to the applicant. Particularly in the case of research students it is important that supervisors check the form and accompanying documentation, discuss them with the applicant, and suggest revisions or improvements where appropriate.
For guidance on producing information sheets and consent forms, see the Guidance and Useful Links page.
To comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you need to use the template information sheet AHEC template information sheet for personal and special category data (MS Word , 12kb) if you are collecting:
Once all documentation has been checked and signed by the approver, the applicant needs to send everything to AHEC at by email attachment (preferably as a single PDF document). If they are postgraduate students they need to copy their supervisor to the email. We won’t be able to review applications if the supervisor hasn’t been copied into the email.
Ethical approval for undergraduate projects is dealt with at departmental level, and undergraduate students should apply for approval according to the procedures set out by their department. However, if the proposed project presents particularly complex ethical issues (for instance, it concerns terrorism or political extremism), the applicant’s supervisor should submit the application to AHEC for approval.
Ethical approval for low-risk work on postgraduate taught (PGT) modules excluding the Dissertation in the Departments of English and Related Literature, History, History of Art, Music and Philosophy should be provided by the Department’s Ethics Officer.
The committee will respond to submissions within a maximum of 10 working days. The applicant should not start the research until approval has been given.
The committee will respond by email once the submission has been reviewed. The response will indicate whether the application has been
Please note that if revisions are required, once the application is resubmitted, the timeframe for a response is reset. So each review of an application is likely to take 10 working days each.
Submission forms
AHEC Full Submission Form (MS Word
, 3,434kb)
AHEC Standard Submission Form (MS Word
, 3,427kb)
AHEC Non-Anonymous Interviews Checklist (MS Word
, 54kb)
GDPR-compliant Information Sheet template
AHEC template information sheet for personal and special category data (MS Word
, 12kb)
Contact us
- For all general queries and submissions The Chair of AHEC is Professor Mariana Lopez,