History BA Undergraduate Scholarship

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, the Department of History is delighted to announce the History BA Undergraduate Scholarship, awarded each year to students commencing their undergraduate studies in the Department of History who best meets the eligibility criteria.

  • Funding: £3,000, paid in annual instalments of £1,000, for three years in total.
  • Academic year: 2024/25
  • Open to: International (including EU) and UK (home) students
  • Qualification level: Undergraduate
  • Number available: Several
Applications for 2024/25 are open until Wednesday 18 September 2024, 5pm BST

Apply now

The History BA Undergraduate Scholarship has been established to provide support to talented students who have the academic potential to study History at York and for whom a BA Honours degree in History (or a BA Combined Honours degree that includes History) would enable them to fulfil their educational and professional ambitions.


Open to International (including EU) and UK (home) students.

Open to students in the Department of History.

The scholarship is open to applications from students commencing an undergraduate degree in the Department of History in September 2024. This includes students studying for a Combined Honours degree, providing that History is one of the subjects studied.

To be considered for the History BA Undergraduate Scholarship, you must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • You are holding an offer to study for the BA in History (or a Combined degree that includes History) in the Department of History at the University of York, for entry in September 2024.
  • Your family has a Residual Household Income (RHI) of £42,875 or less (threshold is subject to change).
  • You can show, via a written statement of up to 500 words, how you meet the following criteria:
    • How you have overcome barriers in your personal, social or domestic life to achieve your educational goals.
    • How you hope to contribute to society in the future following your studies.
    • Why you have applied for a History BA Undergraduate Scholarship and what difference it will make to your time at York.
How to apply

Application deadline: Wednesday 18 September 2024, 5pm BST

Applications will open on Thursday 15 August 2024 at 9:00am BST.

Terms and conditions
  • If you are registered for a four-year degree, the scholarship is not paid in third year, which is usually the year abroad/placement component, and instead, the third instalment of £1,000 will be paid in the final year of study.
  • The Residual Household Income (RHI) will automatically assess your eligibility using the information supplied in your application for Student Loans. For more information, please contact Student Finance England
  • The History BA Undergraduate Scholarship cannot be held in conjunction with the Mark Stevens Scholarship. If you wish to apply for the Mark Stevens Scholarship in your second year and your application is successful, you would forfeit the remaining balance of the BA Scholarship. 
  • The History BA Undergraduate Scholarship can be held in conjunction with other wider University awards.

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