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Stuart Carroll
Professor of Early Modern History


BA (Bristol), PhD (London)

Stuart Carroll is a Professor of Early Modern History at York. He has wide interests in the history of early modern Europe and the history of violence. He is currently working on project entitled The Origins of Civil Society, drawing on sources in French, German and Italian, as well as English.

His initial research work centred on the political culture during the French Wars of Religion, and on the interface between noble followings and popular religious mentalities, and he was twice winner of the Nancy Roelker prize for the best article published in English in early modern France (2000 & 2003). More recently, he published a major evaluation of the role of feud and vendetta in early modern France: Blood and Violence in Early Modern France (2006), which led him to re-think the role of violence in history in the edited collection, Cultures of Violence: Interpersonal Violence in Historical Perspective (2007).

His most recent book, Martyrs and Murderers: The Guise Family and the Making of Europe (2009), was awarded the J. Russell Major prize by the American Historical Association in 2011 for the best French history book of the year.

Stuart Carroll, Martyrs and Murderers: The Guise Family and the Making of Europe (Oxford University Press, 2009)     

Listen to an interview about Stuart's recently published Martyrs and Murders: The Guise Family and the Making of Europe from Dublin City FM's BookBound:

Head and shoulders shot of Stuart Carroll

Contact details

Professor Stuart Carroll
Vanbrugh College V/N/137
Department of History
University of York
YO10 5DD

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